ONLINE ADVERTISING-Types of online advertising


Using internet for advertising is called internet advertising or online advertising.

  •  It’s a medium for a large group of businesses who are selling their products and services on internet via promoting on sites. As detailed by the main motto of online advertising is to attract customers towards their brand and automatically call them for products and services. So, it is clear that online or internet advertising has an agenda to spread its brand value to more and more customers to increase the sales. 

  • In hold of Kotler and Armstrong study, three other authors tried to define and explain online advertising in a new way. According to Strauss, Ansary and Frost (2003) online advertising is “A non personal communication, usually persuasive, about products or services by an identified sponsor. Paid space on the web site or in e-mail is considered advertising. It means all the space on the web site or an email, which is used by others to promote their products or services, and they pay for using that space, is called advertising.” 

Goals Of Online Advertising

As stated in the study of Gardener and Trivedi, 1998 the objective of advertising was urging customers to buy the products which were promoted by the advertisers to increase the sale as well as let the consumer know about the benefits of products.

Goldsmith & Lafferty (2002) in their study clearly mentions that online advertising is truly identical to traditional one. It is the agenda of online advertising to interact with the customers and create a sense of positive viewpoint in their mind and making them buy the product and services though the

advertisement. There is growing need of Brand awareness among advertisers on social media as stated by Goldsmith & Lafferty (2002) those brands which evoke the sense in customers are more valuable and are more in competition as compared to those brands which do not evoke the customers. Since it is important to get going in the race of competition, it is also important to know that advertisers must possess positive attitude towards customers to carry out their brand name and awareness. Brand awareness is not a small term as it include various strategies and designs which must be comprised in the advertisement so that consumers/customers can get a glimpse of what the advertisers are planning as well as these advertisement should contain useful information related to products and services to be sold among consumers as it play an important role to draw attention of consumers. The competition among advertisers is huge, so customers must be placed at the top for each brand. Ads by advertisers must be positioned at the right side of web pages as it creates a straight impact on the mind of consumers. It is noteworthy to keep in mind the taste and interest of consumers since it is essential key to success for brands being advertised. It should be kept in mind not to publish the ads on social media sites regularly at all places as it created bad impression on customers towards the ads placed and there is a high chance of skipping those ads by the customers if they get irritated.


Types Of Online Advertising ! types of online advertising!  types of digital advertising

Producers wish to sell more and more of products through advertising and  nowadays more than other kinds of advertising, online advertising helps producers or advertisers to earn and sell more of their products and services through posting ads.     

There is a lot of measurement of online advertising that are: page impression, cost per sale, click-through rate etc. To post ads or content related to products and services of the brand, one must buy a space in high traffic websites like Google, eBay, and other popular social networking sites (, etc.). 

There are mainly three categories of online advertisement. These are:

  • Rich media ( in which the user can interact)
  • Display Ads (display the contents of advertisement and user can not interact)
  • Text Ads (only text format used and searchable by Search engines).

The type of advertisement to be posted on media simply depends upon the money spend on in addition to the kind of business. As discussed by Shakya in the year 2008, 

there are various types or categories of advertisement posted on sites. These are-

online advertising ! online ads

Banner Advertisement:

Banner advertising is a kind of display ads which a unique type of advertisement while launching in internet for the first time. A banner is showed on the web page of media which could be viewed by the customers and while clicking on it can get the consumers on the website of advertisers. The website clearly explains each and evry aspect of the product or services provided by the advertisers. It is interesting to know that advertisers must only pay for their ads posted on media if anyone clicks on the banner and enters into the website of advertisers. It is a click through ads which must be paid according to the clicks it get. There is one more way of posting banner ads on others wall without payment and that is Exchange. The advertisers must display other brand’s ad on their website in order to get their advertisement published on others wall. This is simply amazing. 

Pop Ups Advertisement:

Pop ups ads appear on the current window while opening which are now very common. Thus, many a visitors ignore such web pages to save their time and prevent themselves from distractions. Pop-ups are now a least adopted method by the producers or marketers as such ads are not influencing and are often ignored. 

Floating Advertisement:

A floating advertisement floats on the web pages for about 5 to 30 seconds when a user visits a website for the first time and it falls in the rich media category. They capture the visitor’s attention immediately by stopping mouse input and viewing of the rest of the page. This type of advertisement is usually animated and also includes audio/video contents similar to television advertisements. These advertisements take up the full screen and are very effective from a branding standpoint. This type of advertisements has a very high click-through rate but also has downfall that users become irritated as they cannot move to other pages for a few seconds. 

Interstitial Advertisement:

Interstitial means “in between” and also is called a transition advertisement. It is included in a rich media advertisement and has appearance between current web pages and a web page user request. Interstitial advertisement is beneficial as they have large graphics which could be used as a main ad on web page with minimum cost to the advertisers. According to the study by Guha et al. 2010, these ads are famous among Facebook ads and other social media where famous brands have to advertise. 

Unicast Advertisement:

Unicast advertisement is same as television advertisement with an option for viewers to click and get more information. Not like television ads which are imposed on viewers deliberately, these ads appear on browser window asking the viewers to click on it for further information of the product. These ads have many variety and style as it could be either in audio format or in video format which lasts up to 10 to 30 seconds. Unicast ads are widespread among the users as well as online advertisers because of its click through rate which reaches 5% in total 

Takeover Advertisement:

Takeover advertisements are the form of ad which occupies the website in which

the users visit for the first time until they close the browser. These continue to

appear until the browser or the website is fully closed by the user. Such ads appear

in the form of banner, pop-ups or buttons and can last upto few seconds on the

website. It is really influential and its click through rate is high. 

Contextual Advertisement:

Contextual advertisement as the name suggests is a text type ad which is included in the category of text ads. These types of advertisement appear on websites which has similar contents as compared with the advertisement and often appear to user who enters the website of any page or brand. Such ads are used as content based ads and according to the search by the users on website, the ads appear to them on the basis of search matter. Contextual ads are really very famous because of its interest towards users choice and worthiness of their ads among users.  

Transition Advertisement

A transition ad appears in two or more pages having a commercial message which is temporary in nature. This ad basically opens in a new window while the user was searching on another website window. It automatically redirects the user to another window and is a type of interstitial ad type. In some cases this ad comes in a form of pop-ups which is latterly called pop-up transitional ads. Transitional ads last for only few seconds and after the completion of the ad, the user requested web page will appear. This ad has two types that are: 1) animated Flash version (sometimes called a Flash ad) for capable computer systems & 2) simpler animated or static version for others.

Such ads are mostly featured in animated format and attracts majority of internet users by its way of advertising and size. As the ad redirects users fully with their ad content, no other hindrance or disturbance can mislead the attention of users while viewing the ads. 

Expandable Ads

The expandable ads are either begins while roll on or by clicking on it. It is similarly closed the way it is opened by the users. This type of ad is long-drawnout in favour of users or by the choice of user to further know about the ad and the product. Such request redirects the user to a new page where it is made possible for them to interact with the advertisement directly. Panels will expand below or to the left of the creative based on site’s requirements and how ad units are positioned on the page.  

The choice of selecting the ad may be a roll on or clicking on. Whichever method is used, the same method must be used for closing the expand panel in order to maintain a consistent guest experience. The expanded ad unit must include a close button. 

Recommendation widgets

Recommendation widgets are a form of native advertising where an ad or paid content link is delivered via a “widget.” Such links are recommended to the users to visit and if the user click on it they will reach the wall page of the advertisement. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a type of advertisement where advertisers send various email regarding their products and services to the users on social media. This isconsumer targeted approach where bulks of usres are targeted each day. Interesting emails attract consumers and they follow the link shown in the email which directs them to a webpage or app which has to be downloaded for further visit. These type of efforts are more digital, involving and important in traditional direct mail marketing.It is essential to know that email marketing is better known as direct email marketing which is more traditional but effective in nature. 

Display Ads

A display ad in nature is a banner ad type which is paid and is visible in the type of an image or photo. These pictures or images are clicked by the users if they wish to know more about the brand or products and by clicking on the image will directs them to a web page of advertisers.

Display ads function differently than text ads because they aren’t found in search results. They can be spotted on websites and can feature interactive displays or some type of animation to engage the user.  

Display ads always target the users by the way they act or perform on internet while shopping or searching. For e.g.: many users select the products of their choice to cart but don’t buy it many a times. Then display ads try to show the same products added by the consumer on different pages so that user can complete the buying of products added in the cart. 

Native In-Feed Ads

In-feed ads have perhaps the largest variation in execution. In-feed native advertising (often referred to as ‘In-stream native advertising’) is one of the forms of native advertising to deliver a preview of branded content amongst other stories on a publisher’s property. 

Paid Search Unit Ads

Paid search ad type is those ad types which appear on the top of search engines when a consumer searches something online. These are paid online advertisements by websites and are commonly a type of contextual advertisement. Some search engines will make it easy for users to determine which search results are natural and which are paid, while others will mix the results making it more difficult for users to determine which the paid search results are. Also called sponsored search.  

Classified Ads

Classified ads are the type of advertisements which are grouped and located under a specific heading that are automobiles, employment, real estate etc. on magazines or newspapers. Such ads have commonly those jobs, property or any other products advertisement which is local and in need of the present place. Such classified ads are cheap and majority of small or medium business or real estate people prefer such ads. Classified ads have only texts with no image included in the advertisement.

tags-web advertising, internet ads, online ads,

By Admin