Cgbse assignments Solution
2022 ! cg board January assignments
Solved Paper

cg board January assignments Solved Paper ! Cgbse assignments Solution January 2022

cg board January assignments Solved Paper A
guideline has been issued to submit the assignment for the month of December.

Chhattisgarh Board of
Secondary Education has decided that it is mandatory for every student to
submit at least two assignments in 
each subject for the
students to submit all the assignments. The student who will not submit two
assignments of each
 will not be included
in the upcoming main examination
2022, that is, it will be
considered ineligible for the examination.

Therefore, all the
students who have not submitted the assignments, write the answers to the
assignments and submit them 
to their respective
schools within the time limit of the next one week.

It is noteworthy that
in all the recognized schools of Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education,
students studying in the 
academic session 2021-22 are being given one assignment of each subject per month. First
Assignment is released in August
2021,Fifth Assignment is
released in December
2021. The sixth assignment will be released in January 2022.

Cg 12th assignments subjects
assignments Solved Paper January 2022
cg board January assignments
Solved Paper

Official Website-Click 

  1. हिंदी 
  2. अंग्रेजी
  3. संस्कृत 
  4. इतिहास
  5. भूगोल 
  6. राजनीति विज्ञान
  7. मनोविज्ञान 
  8. अर्थशास्त्र
  9. गणित 
  10. भौतिक
  11. विज्ञान
  12. रसायन विज्ञान  
  13. जीव विज्ञान
  14. लेखाशास्त्र  
  15. व्यावसाय अध्ययन
  16. समाज शास्त्र

Cg 10th assignments subjects
assignments Solved Paper January 2022
cg board January assignments
Solved Paper

Official Website-Click

  1. हिंदी  
  2. अंग्रेजी
  3. संस्कृत 
  4. गणित
  5. विज्ञान 
  6. सामाजिक विज्ञान


By Admin